
Showing posts from December, 2018
THE FIRST HOUSE OF EVERY SPIRIT BEING (MAN) On our last update, we talked about who we truly are, and the summary of it is that we are Christians, that is our first identity. Today, we are going to talk about the first property of every Christian which is his house. If you have been following our updates, we mentioned that the body is the house of the spirit being which is our real self. I used the word property to tell you that you own it and it doesn’t own you, And also because am pretty sure that no individual will ever want to misuse his property talk more of his first property on earth that is very special and different from others knowing fully well that whatever happens to this particular property, happens to the owner and that it has no duplicate and cant be bought. HOW DO YOU CHOOSE TO KEEP YOUR HOUSE(BODY)? In the real sense, human beings always try hard to keep their artificial house clean to avoid being infected. Now lets try and put this for our natural
WHO WE TRULY ARE         WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I pondered over the above question thinking of what to say if I am faced with such question. Then it occurred to me that I didn’t really know who I was. I decided to ask people around the same question in order to get insight on how to define my true self but all I could get was the human and material definition of themselves and I wasn’t satisfied. My dissatisfaction was because of my little knowledge of the scripture and the non alignment of my best friend, the Holy Spirit. Then something struck me, which was the statement of God during the creation of man which was “let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”, If I am made in the image and likeness of God our creator, I should be more than just my earthly parent’s child /daughter, I am more than just an existing girl/lady. My true self should be more than just mortal because of whose image I carry and whose true offspring I am. Wow! I think that was a
REDISCOVERING   YOUR OWN VOICE This piece of article is dedicated to all ladies out there, to pastor Eb Ekwuagana for being the utmost instrument of my inspiration and most especially, to my bestie, the HOLYSPIRIT. Whenever I look at the above topic, I smile and cry at the same time. Not everyone will understand but I hope that the few who do will make good use of the lessons they learnt from it. Hey ladies, if u don’t learn from the experience of others, your own experience will be your doom. I can still remember the first time I listened to pastor Eb speak, I knew that was the beginning of me. I used to be a girl with a very loud voice, full of pride and no impact, but that very day, after I sat under the influence of the voice of this great woman, my life took a new and better turn. One question; Do you have a voice? Some ladies out there don’t even know if they have a voice but I put it to you that each and everyone of us was created with a purpose and our pu