This piece of article is dedicated to all ladies out there, to pastor Eb Ekwuagana for being the utmost instrument of my inspiration and most especially, to my bestie, the HOLYSPIRIT.

Whenever I look at the above topic, I smile and cry at the same time. Not everyone will understand but I hope that the few who do will make good use of the lessons they learnt from it.

Hey ladies, if u don’t learn from the experience of others, your own experience will be your doom.

I can still remember the first time I listened to pastor Eb speak, I knew that was the beginning of me. I used to be a girl with a very loud voice, full of pride and no impact, but that very day, after I sat under the influence of the voice of this great woman, my life took a new and better turn.

One question; Do you have a voice? Some ladies out there don’t even know if they have a voice but I put it to you that each and everyone of us was created with a purpose and our purpose is our voice. Look, am not a feminist, am just a purpose driven lady who aspires not just my greatness but the greatness of all ladies because if we (the ladies) make it, we don’t only encourage the strong men, we challenge the weak ones to become better.

Don’t ever think its too late for you to turn around and discover your voice, your true purpose. And do you know why it is called ‘your own’ purpose, it is because you are meant to discover it alone. Snap out of that dream of getting married to the best man on earth even without certs, wake up from thinking that because your background is financially equipped, that you have it all and please don’t think that because you have made and is still making a great money in whatever thing you do, that you have achieved purpose.

Dear readers, whatever thing it is that you are doing as a lifetime occupation or assumed purpose, if it does not give God the glory, this article is for you. You need to rediscover your voice. For instance, a successful armed robber , kidnapper, stripper or a prostitute cannot claim to have achieved purpose.

Before I go ahead, I was telling us on how my life took a new and better turn. After that particular seminar, I broke out of the relationship that I was into, though it was a painful parting, it was a sacrifice for a better future and it was worth it. Right now, am so sure that I am shaking a table that might be too noisy but that was the same table that was shook by that great woman on that day that placed me on the part of ‘rediscovering my voice’. That bitter truth is what you, the country and the world at large needs to be placed on the right path. From that day, with the help of the holy spirit, no day passes without me questioning myself more about what I should do and searching for hidden potentials within me to maximize. It wasn’t very fast, and please don’t expect it to be easy because the promise was not an easy and smooth journey but a safe arrival.  
You cannot achieve your purpose without making sacrifices, you can’t rediscover your voice without shedding off so many treasured habits, friends and properties. The greater sacrifices you make, the greater your achievements. Now let me remind you that it takes a great woman and a greater man to achieve the greatest greatness.

All these starts from you! You must first love and appreciate yourself, then you can build confidence and believe in the independent you for now. Surround yourself with people of alike vision, people who understands the real you and love you for that. Do not expect the best from your family at the time that you are still building yourself because it is only you that knows the vision you are working for and the greatness that lies in future. In fact, expect the worst from your family at that time because, they are the only people who hold the true weapon of your setback and they must make good use of it against you so that your success story will be complete. Please, do love them for that!.

At the time when I broke out of my relationship, so many people laughed at me, I felt lonely and honestly, I felt stupid. But do you know one thing that experience taught me, it taught me that an arrow that’s meant to be shut at a destination must first be drawn back, it taught me that the people who achieve it more are the people who suffered the greatest pain, and lastly, it taught me that trapped inside the bowl of your darkest days, lies your candle and matchstick, and it only takes YOU, the single YOU to stretch out, search through, light up your life and shine brighter than any other light you can imagine, and not forgetting to lighten up others around you. That was exactly what I did to myself…..

Before I continue, I will like to tell us what motivated this particular article. It was a movie (name withheld for now) and please do subscribe and follow up for the rest of the story. And always know that no Jesus, no purpose, no purpose, no voice and no voice, no heaven.

I remain your favorite writer………..DVOICE!!

