I pondered over the above question thinking of what to say if I am faced with such question. Then it occurred to me that I didn’t really know who I was. I decided to ask people around the same question in order to get insight on how to define my true self but all I could get was the human and material definition of themselves and I wasn’t satisfied.

My dissatisfaction was because of my little knowledge of the scripture and the non alignment of my best friend, the Holy Spirit.

Then something struck me, which was the statement of God during the creation of man which was “let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”, If I am made in the image and likeness of God our creator, I should be more than just my earthly parent’s child /daughter, I am more than just an existing girl/lady. My true self should be more than just mortal because of whose image I carry and whose true offspring I am.

Wow! I think that was a huge revelation, I told myself.  Christ is not mortal, but came to earth in a mortal form in order to carry out a specific function which was salvation. In that light, I too, am not mortal, I am a spirit in a mortal form just to carry out a specific function for the creator who sent me into the world just as he sent his son Jesus Christ for the ultimate purpose.

          Dear fellow Christians,

I want to use this medium to answer the question I asked at the beginning of this article, ‘who do you think you are?’ and to educate us more on the true nature of who we are.

Whenever you are faced with such question, the first thing that should come into your mind is ‘I am the offspring of God, made in his image and likeness’. The remaining explanations should then come from the attributes of whose image you carry.

NB: Our earthly body is not our true self, our true self is our spirit being. The body is just a tool given to us by God to cloth our spirit and to enhance our relationship with other earthly vessels. Therefore, we should learn to be conscious of our spirit than our body because our spirit is more important than the body.

Since we are the offspring of God and God is God, then we are a God because, we can’t be less then who birthed us.

In faith, we should acknowledge the fact that we share similar attributes with our creator, if God has his ways and thoughts, so do we. If our God is immortal, so is our true self immortal. We should learn to stop aligning with the will of the body because our body is just like a house used in housing our true self (the spirit). When we think we have died, our true self did not die, we just left the house where the spirit was kept and transcended into our real world.

Therefore, we should be conscious of our spirit and the only way to do that is by giving our lives to Christ. This is necessary because, we are accountable for whatever we do with the house (body) God gave to us to house our spirit in and there is no excuse for unbelievers in our real world( after life).

THEREFORE; We are spirit, the image and likeness of God, indestructible and immortal, sent to the world in different patterns of houses (bodies) for specific purposes which should be carried out for the glory of our creator, all in consciousness of our true and real self. What matters most is where you lead your true self (the spirit) to after you must have left it. Be wise!

I love you but God loves you most.









