LOVE IV Almost six years ago, I came across a very wonderful personality, though at that time, I never liked her, I was always very rude to her, I saw her as a very ugly girl and at that time, I used to be a very proud and arrogant person. Fate brought us very close and she was the good one amongst us, she was the true friend because I never really took her as one. On countless occasions, I called her nasty names and surprisingly, she never took offence. She will always come back to me in my peaceful mood to sort things out, and as I grew, I realized she was worthy of more than my friendship and I started regarding and appreciating her. Many years passed by and we were still there and after sometime, I got very fond of her. She was the first instrument God used to form the new me and I swore in my heart not to love her less because I couldn’t think of what will make me do that. I made good plans in heart for her, one I didn’t make for even any of my blood siblings. Yeah, ...
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THE FIRST HOUSE OF EVERY SPIRIT BEING (MAN) On our last update, we talked about who we truly are, and the summary of it is that we are Christians, that is our first identity. Today, we are going to talk about the first property of every Christian which is his house. If you have been following our updates, we mentioned that the body is the house of the spirit being which is our real self. I used the word property to tell you that you own it and it doesn’t own you, And also because am pretty sure that no individual will ever want to misuse his property talk more of his first property on earth that is very special and different from others knowing fully well that whatever happens to this particular property, happens to the owner and that it has no duplicate and cant be bought. HOW DO YOU CHOOSE TO KEEP YOUR HOUSE(BODY)? In the real sense, human beings always try hard to keep their artificial house clean to avoid being infected. Now lets try and put this for our natural ...
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WHO WE TRULY ARE WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I pondered over the above question thinking of what to say if I am faced with such question. Then it occurred to me that I didn’t really know who I was. I decided to ask people around the same question in order to get insight on how to define my true self but all I could get was the human and material definition of themselves and I wasn’t satisfied. My dissatisfaction was because of my little knowledge of the scripture and the non alignment of my best friend, the Holy Spirit. Then something struck me, which was the statement of God during the creation of man which was “let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”, If I am made in the image and likeness of God our creator, I should be more than just my earthly parent’s child /daughter, I am more than just an existing girl/lady. My true self should be more than just mortal because of whose image I carry and whose true offsprin...
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REDISCOVERING YOUR OWN VOICE This piece of article is dedicated to all ladies out there, to pastor Eb Ekwuagana for being the utmost instrument of my inspiration and most especially, to my bestie, the HOLYSPIRIT. Whenever I look at the above topic, I smile and cry at the same time. Not everyone will understand but I hope that the few who do will make good use of the lessons they learnt from it. Hey ladies, if u don’t learn from the experience of others, your own experience will be your doom. I can still remember the first time I listened to pastor Eb speak, I knew that was the beginning of me. I used to be a girl with a very loud voice, full of pride and no impact, but that very day, after I sat under the influence of the voice of this great woman, my life took a new and better turn. One question; Do you have a voice? Some ladies out there don’t even know if they have a voice but I put it to you that each and everyone of us was created with a purpose and ou...
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MATURITY WITHOUT MATURING Are you matured? ... This was the question my best friend asked me, and I replied Yes and he went forward to say, If you claim to be matured in anyway, did you really mature? down! I pondered on this question for sometime and the only thing that I could think of was my maturity in age which is the mentality of many of us. I told him yes that am an adult and with a smile, he explained; Maturity is all about subtraction first and then addition, this is because, if you don’t remove the unwanted ones, there will be no space for addition of wanted ones. I cannot claim to be matured if I don’t shed off old things and add new ones which must be of advantage to me. NB: there are different kinds of maturity according to the stage you are in life. A plant cannot undergo maturity without shedding old leaves so as to sprout out new ones and create space for the stem to be established. Maturity is all about sacrifice and must sacr...
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MY PRIDE Have you ever wondered what your biggest asset is in life? Today, while in the kitchen, I pondered on what I could call my pride and it occurred to me that its…... read down! Most times, when I want to make use of the word ‘pride’, the negative meaning jumps into my head and I drop the word. If the question, what is your pride is been asked, answers like my virginity, my wife, my son, my husband, my mum, my dad, and some other people will go to the extent of mentioning materialistic things. Trust me, all these are very nice and they floated into my mind when this question popped into my head today but I wasn’t certain of them all and at a point, I was confused if I even had a pride. Then, I decided to direct the question to the one person who knows me more than myself, My best friend. When I did so, he replied with a question saying, “what type of pride do you want to have, the one that can be taken away or one that can’t be taken away?, I was more confused at this...
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LONELY HEART And I got up from bed at about 8pm, not hungry but cold. The coldness was weird because I was actually sweating, then I realized that I was cold in my heart. Coldness of the heart stands for loneliness. At that moment I searched for a friend to speak to and realized that none was available and the available ones were just not a choice. At this moment, I was left between guiding my faith or letting my feelings guide me. I picked up my phone and went through all the social media platforms and was more bored out, I strolled to and fro, in and out of the whole rooms in my house looking for something to distract my lonely heart but was disappointed. Then I resolved to speaking to the only one who was ever ready to listen to me. My best friend and lover, one who might seem invisible to others but visible to me, the only one that knows me more than myself, the only one whose voice I hear every second of my life but sometimes do not listen to it. And I spoke ...
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HATRED FOR TRUTH Firstly, what do you think is ‘the truth’? The word truth can be defined as the state or quality of being true to someone or something. But ‘the truth’ is no other person than our lord Jesus Christ. Here, we will be talking about the truth as a person of Christ; In the bible, Christ referred to himself as the way, the truth and the life. This can be proportionately put that when you detest the true statement in a matter and uphold the wrong one, you are also a hater of Christ. When we pervert justice in the court and our different leadership positions, we persecute the truth which is Christ. Another dimension of hating the truth is when we don’t obey Christ’s rules, when we take laws into our hand in judging people and laying curses on them. When we persecute the church and the servants of God in them, we hate the truth and we don’t stop at just hating him, we fight to murder it after we must have crucified Him the first time. This Is becaus...
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THE WAR OF OUR TIME 2 Previously on D-voice, we talked about the war we are facing in our time. There, we defined war and stated that the war we are experiencing in this our time is the war against the church and Christ. Today, we are going to highlight the ways these wars are being waged against the church and Christ; BOMBING AND KILLINGS IN THE CHURCH; This particular issue is what everyone has witnessed and kept quiet over. The Christians are been massacred and burnt down together with their church buildings. This is an inhumane treatment that shouldn’t be heard in our society. The Muslims carryout this act and our government and security agencies are silent towards it. Fellow Christians, let us rise up and say no to this wrong doing by going down on our knees and crying for revival, forming intercessory groups whose prayers will intercede for us and selecting a righteous leader among us who will represent us in elections. This is because, if our leader is a christian...
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THE WAR OF OUR TIME War which can be defined as the conflict between two parties can occur in so many ways which include; intra-personal war, inter personal war, intra-ethnic war, inter-ethnic war, national war, international war, etc. Funny enough, the major war that is going on in our time is hardly noticed and tends to be neglected. This war is the war against the church and Christ himself. The world is constantly at war with their maker and creator, trying to prove that they are self made. They intentionally convict and destroy the churches thinking they can put an end to Christianity. The funny truth is that, at the last day, the church of Christ will be established on earth and every other thing anti-Christ will be destroyed. There are many ways that the world is waging war against the church of Christ and Christ himself. These ways will be discussed in details in our next update . Don’t miss out!! DVOICE! Follow us up on DVOICEE.BLOGSPOT.COM or DVOI...
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WHO DO YOU SAY HE IS? Rephrased; “WHO DO YOU SAY YOUR CREATOR IS?” This is a question everyone on earth should answer. This is because, lying behind this question, is the root of all things in the world and beyond. Some people don’t even know that the have a creator, some know they do but don’t know who He is, while very few people know who He is and trust what he can do. The knowledge of who God is affects the activities of every individual. For e.g; if the knowledge of who God is to me is that he is good and loving, my attitude towards people will be good and loving. This is because,I understand my creator and because I carry His image, I act like him. Now, whatever you do in life, if it is not in alignment with your creator’s will and nature, it shows that you either don’t have the full knowledge of your creator or you don’t even know He exists. God is my creator, the lily of the tribe of judah, the mighty man in battle, He is my everything. HOW DO YOU GET T...
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THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT DAYS OF ONE’S LIFE. In life, some people might want to argue the fact that everyday of one’s life should be the most important or they might say that the most important days of one’s life is more than just three days, but gracefully,I hope by reading this piece of article you will be strongly behind me with my opinion. FIRST DAY; The first day in the three most important days of one’s life is also the first day of one’s life or you can say that it is one’s birthday. On this day, the person is brought into the world after much struggle by the mother during child birth. It is a very great day of joy in the family and remains a great day as long as the individual lives. SECOND DAY; Many people might dispute the second day but the truth will not and can not change just because of dispute. The second most important day of one’s life is the day one gives his life to Christ or the day one dedicates his life to his creator. This is because, this stage i...
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THE MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHT Human right of the people can be defined as those inalienable privileges that humans enjoy. They are the basic rights and freedoms that all humans should be guaranteed. These human rights according to our constitution include; right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and expression, and equality before the law etc. Funny enough, after stating all these rights, we forgot the most basic human rights we have which is; THE RIGHT TO KNOW JESUS : I know many people are very surprise and amazed at this but yes, this is the most basic human right anyone can enjoy. It did not stop at just knowing Jesus, it goes further to worshiping and doing everything we do in life to please him. Why is this so? This is because, as the products of Jesus, we owe him the duty of bowing at his feet and worshiping him all the days of our life. Have you seen any producer whose products are not loyal and submissive to? Have you ever seen any product who because the ...
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LOVE 3 Still on the topic love, we earlier discussed on the characteristics of love as love being a sacrifice. Today, we are going to talk about another important characteristics of love as love being patient. LOVE IS PATIENT; this can be first illustrated using the utmost love which is the love of God. God’s love for man is patient. Tho we are sinners and have come short of God’s glory,His patient love and grace has not allowed him to destroy us. Though He is our creator and has the power to do all things, He is still very patient with everyone of us and still stretches out his hand to reach to us. This is an exemplary love that everyone should emulate. All of us are patient with ourselves no matter how many times we fail, we just keep trying. Now, if we truly love others as we love ourselves and as we love God, we should also exercise the same level of patience on other people. Love even when correcting, is not forceful and harsh, love corrects with love . For instance,...
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POSSIBILITIES In our country and societies, many things now look like they have come to stay and cannot be removed again. People have come to accept corruption and so many societal vices as a pattern of living. Parents this days do not care about what their children do to get money, all they need is their own share of the money and the gifts and names that comes with being the parent of a rich child. The quest for money has become the topic of the day and seemly the only option for survival. Guess what? I have a good news for all of us. This good news is the solutions to our problem of corruption and many other cases. But it will cost us a little sacrifice which is prayers and committing our life to Christ. God has promised us dominion over the earth and has fulfilled that promise. This earth is for the righteous not the unrighteous, the only thing we have to do is to commit to prayers and all the things that seems impossible will become possible. More updates coming ...
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LOVE 2 In our previous update on love, we discussed what love is and how we should act in love. Now, we will be talking on the characteristics of love; LOVE IS SACRIFICE: This can be sited biblically and also in human instances. Biblically, love been a sacrifice was practicalized when God the creator of the whole universe sent down his only begotten son to die for the sins of mankind. This type of love can never be found in the human race. God therefore used the death of his son to show us what love means as a sacrifice. This is the utmost sacrifice that has ever taken place on earth since the beginning of mankind. In the human instance; love as a sacrifice can be seen in families where the parents deny themselves of rest and good life in-order to make sure that their children live good. They go as far as selling up their private properties to keep their children comfortable academically and otherwise. Love can also be seen as sacrifice among lovers; here, one of the par...
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WHO IS GOD? This particular question is a very volumnious question that has no full human answer. God is God. God is the creator of the univers, the maker of the whole world. He is the I am that I am, the alpha and the omega. God is the beginning and the earth, the omnipotent, the lily of the valies, the lion of the tribe of judah. Etc. Truth be told, no one can fully describe who God is. He is beyond human comprehension. GOD IS LOVE. post on Follow us up for the next who God is . D-voice!
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LOVE Love can be defined as a deep affection towards a being. Love is a necessity for the peaceful coexistence of the society. Love should not be for only our partners and family, it should be for every living being. In the bible,we were given the commandment to love our neighbors as ourselves but the issue is that most of us do not love ourselves and that is why we should love our neighbors as we love our God. Love is at the top of everything we do in life so we should learn to cultivate love. For example: one who loves his job prospers in it more than one who is just in it for the profit. A country with a leader who has deep affection for his followers prospers more than an ambitious leader. A family with loving parents are the best you can think about. A pastor or priest with a genuine love at heart is one with vision and mission. Etc. So, let us all cultivate love for one another in the society with genuine mind not with ulterior motive. This way, there will be less iss...
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REASON FOR BAD GOVERNANCE Bad governance is one of the worst things that can happen to any country whether developing or developed. When the government of a country is bad, it affects the proper functioning of the country and sends the economy into recession. Nigeria is one of the many developing countries with a bad governance. Bad governance can be caused by so many things but today, I want highlight the two major reasons. They include; LACK OF LOVE : a country can experience bad governance when the leaders lack love for their followers and vise versa. When there is no love among these two different groups of people, all of them tend to exhibit a selfish lifestyles towards each other and thereby hinder the success of the country at large. OUR LEADERS CONFUSE THEIR VISIONS WITH THEIR AMBITION: some or most of our leaders today, pick up interest in political and governmental activities due to their ambition, mostly selfish in nature. This makes them to ...
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CHILD ABUSE A child according to the oxford advanced learners dictionary, can be defined as one who is below the age of adulthood; a minor gloss person who is below the legal age of responsibility. Abuse means the improper treatment or usage; application to a wrong or bad purpose; an unjust, corrupt or wrongful practice or custom. Child abuse is then the physical, sexual or emotional mistreatment of a child. Any form of treatment meted on a child other than normal or fair correction of the child’s bad act is known as child abuse. This is one of the most inhuman treatments that is been experienced in the country and the world at large. The children have suffered a lot of abuse from their parents and mostly their guardians, and many are still in this same condition. In as much as we have the child right agency, I advice that the government should put more interest and device more means to eradicate child abuse. As the children are the future leaders, we should be more careful...
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WHY OUR LEADERS DO NOT REGARD US The leaders of our country Nigeria are now above the law and are even the law. They act like they want, regardless of who suffers the consequences. The boldly commit crimes punishable by the law and go scout free because we can’t punish the law itself. They go round the world spoiling the images of the youth and innocent citizens and claim they want the progress of the nation. All these things are happening because our people prefare to eat just morning bread and suffer for four years, they prefer to sell their souls for a token that can’t feed them for upto a month than stand for what is right. This can be seen during the election period. Before the election period, the people will be gnashing their teeth in sufferings metted at them by the existing government and waiting for the election period to come for them to exercise their power through franchise. Then when the election period comes, they are carried away by the little money given to them...
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THE CHURCH The church firstly Is the body of our lord Jesus Christ. It is an organization set up by our lord Jesus Christ through his disciples after he ascended into heaven. It was established to continue the spread of the word of God throughout the whole universe. It is an organization, set up by the Disciples of Christ to spread the word of God and unite people to the kingdom of God by preaching the love of God to them. Coming down to our contemporary age, the body of Christ is been divided into parts which are the different churches in the whole world who serve, worship and praise God. The different churches put together, make up the body of our lord Jesus Christ. HOW THE CHURCHES SHOULD ACT The churches, been the parts that make up the body of Christ cannot perform the exact function which they are meant for individually until they acknowledge the importance of the different parts. Each and every part of Christ body has a specific function and task to perform inorder to ful...