Have you ever wondered what your biggest asset is in life? Today, while in the kitchen, I pondered on what I could call my pride and it occurred to me that its…... read down!
Most times, when I want to make use of the word ‘pride’, the negative meaning jumps into my head and I drop the word. If the question, what is your pride is been asked, answers like my virginity, my wife, my son, my husband, my mum, my dad, and some other people will go to the extent of mentioning materialistic things.
Trust me, all these are very nice and they floated into my mind when this question popped into my head today but I wasn’t certain of them all and at a point, I was confused if I even had a pride. Then, I decided to direct the question to the one person who knows me more than myself, My best friend. When I did so, he replied with a question saying, “what type of pride do you want to have, the one that can be taken away or one that can’t be taken away?, I was more confused at this point and had to repeat this question to myself countless times. After sometime, I asked him to explain and he said;
“If your virginity is your pride, at some point in your life, it shall be taken away. If any of your parents is your pride, same thing will happen to them and also to your children and properties because its either they are taken away from you or you are taken away from them but the real pride shouldn’t be taken away from you even after death”.
Wow! I was thrown off balance because I have never thought of this in my entire life. Then I asked him further, what is it that I have that can’t be taken away from me even after my death? And he said “THE L2. Rolling my eyes, I asked the question, what does that mean? And he said “THE LOVE AND LIGHT of God in your life”.
Tears of joy rolled down my eyes when I realized how ignorant I had been. In few seconds and With a whisper, I thanked God for his love and presence in my life which is symbolized by his light.
Today, with so much joy and satisfaction, I want to proclaim to the world that my pride is the LOVE and LIGHT of God in my life and I want to ask you this question again, WHAT IS YOUR PRIDE?
Stay connected as I reveal who my best friend is and maybe you can have one like him. I know some of you are gradually picking interest in his kind of personality, trust me I will soon reveal his true identity.                           DVOICE!

